On the 19th of September, a new experience has opened in the Atlantikwall Museum Scheveningen. In this experience, the visitor can visit a crew bunker that is still completely authentic. In the bunker two impressive stories are told that take place in the aftermath of the Second World War. The stories are about the V2 missiles and what damage they have caused, but also about the damage that “our own troops” caused in the mistaken bombardment of the Bezuidenhout district in The Hague. The experience is brought to life through personal testimonials which are displayed in the spaces with multimedia productions using image, sound and physical effects. The experience is ideal for a visit by a school class, but of course also for anyone interested in the Second World War and the history of the Antlantikwall.

In pleasant cooperation with the board of the foundation and with the MCW Creative Agency, Heijmerink Wagemakers developed the concept and took care of the further development and realization of the experience.